Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pre-amble: Where I Want to Go

photo copyright Adrian Fletcher Pages/Spain/Camino_de_Santiago/Cmino.htm

The Pilgrimage
The Camino de Santiago is a pilgrimage consisting of a network of ancient routes starting from France, Portugal and Spain and ending at the tomb of St. James in Santiago de Compostela (SdC) in northwest Spain.

My Journey
I am turning 50 early in 2010, and when some of my friends in the same boat decided to do this, I agreed to join them. Two had done parts of the pilgrimage before and volunteered to take care of the logistics. They've decided to start from Roncasvalles in Navarre (near France); the entire route to SdC is 800 km (497 miles). Only those who walk at least the last 100 km will receive "compostelanas," or certificates, at the Oficina de los Peregrinos in the SdC Cathedral. Supposedly, one's term in purgatory is halved upon completion. Too bad we missed the jubilee year (2008) because during such a year all years in Purgatory are wiped clean.

Along the pilgrim routes are markers to guide the traveler. Similarly, I will mark significant events of my preparation for this journey. While I will document as much as I think you'll find interesting, I will mark only those that I think are worthy of notice, such as significant poundage lost (which is, of course, relative), significant mileage walked, acquisition of new gear (but of course!). Also, be forewarned that since I am a naturally introspective person, this blog will probably contain a lot of questions and very few answers.

For many, the Camino is a spiritual sojourn. I intend to get out of it all I can: meditating on the landscape of my spirituality while I traverse the Spanish terrain, testing the limits of my flat feet and lungs, re-discovering high school friendships (my co-pilgrims are high school classmates from the Philippines, some of whom I haven't seen in 30 years.)

I need to stop for now because I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the enormity of what lies ahead. My husband just walked in and exclaimed, "Is that how long you're walking?" I hope to pace myself blogging, posting at least every week, taking step by steady step toward the end: September 2010.



  1. What a wonderful idea this is. To take the time to walk and meditate on your half century on this planet. This journey is well suited to your deeper, introspective nature.

    All pilgrams (whether metaphorical or physical) seek not only self-examination but connection to that which matters. Each step connecting to the sometimes rocky ground, is an affirmation of our connection to the larger world as well as to ourselves.

    I will follow your preparation and your trip with great interest. From good writers such as yourself we will all gain wisdom as we share in your insights.

  2. Almira, bravo to you for taking this journey forward. Who knows where it will lead you, spiritually. A marvelous personal accomplishment, even if you only begin...

    I have a book to recommend to you. Will post a comment when I find it on my shelves.

    Congratulations, and we will be following along with you on your blog.

    Helen Gallagher

  3. Almi, the next Jacobeo jubilee year is in 2010. You will make it :-)

